What a year it has been! It was full of ups and downs. Here's a look back at my first year in school.
My school year began with the completion of one of my proudest accomplishment at that time, climbing higher than 14,000 feet. I still can't believe I made it, and thanks to Jake's kind words of encouragement, "Al, med school will be harder than this," I kept climbing.

Shortly after, orientation week began!

The very last day of orientation they presented us with our white coats. We certainly didn't feel like doctors, and I definitely didn't feel like I needed a white coat, but at the pace this school runs, it wasn't long before we were out in clinics and hospitals.

We wasted no time, and soon I was as prepared as I could be for my first day of school

It wasn't long before that ^ turned into this ...

And soon enough, my spotless office was destroyed.

Time flew by

I practiced clinical skills for our OSCEs and drawing landmarks for Living Anatomy exams on Jake while he studied for the CPA exams.

And when no people were there to practice on...

And then came exam days, which were some of my favorite days because that meant I would have an entire afternoon off, and usually the day after the exam I only had a few things to do! In the fall Jake was even home to make me a good breakfast before I left.

And in the fall when he was home, we always celebrated after exams!

Then winter came, and I was alone every week except for a couple. Luckily Jake came home from traveling on the weekends, and so I tried to get most of my work done working longer hours during the weekdays to have more time "off" when he was home.

To keep sane, I worked out regularly, went on walks when it was nice, did some light reading, started watching Keeping up with the Kardashians and Friends, indulged on fast food, and enjoyed meeting up with friends.
School required a lot of sacrifices that weren't clear right away. The dishes and laundry had to wait, my workouts were shortened, and most heartbreaking, time with my family and friends was dramatically cut down. There would be times where months would pass by until I even make a phone call or scheduled a coffee date with a friend. On multiple occasions I had to tell my family they couldn't stay with me on the weekend while I was studying for an exam, or that I just couldn't come home. Everyone understood, it was worse on me because I felt like I was missing out on the fun they were having. I am so grateful for the times I did have with family and friends this year, I certainly took as many breaks as I could to see the people I love.

My family was wonderful for support and encouragement when I needed it this year, but Jake was there whenever I needed him no matter what else he was doing. In the fall he was up late quizzing me, and in the winter and spring he would stay up late to talk to me on the phone. At one point I was having a complete breakdown, and although he was hundreds of miles away, he left dinner to call me and made sure that I could pull it together and study a few more hours for the exam I was worried about. I know he'll be there for what's to come, I'm so thankful for him.

We ended a busy year with Med Prom.

Overall I loved this first year of school. I never knew that I was capable of learning this much information in such a short time, and I've met so many great people. I'm so happy with what I'm working for, and I know it's all worth it to be able to help my patients in the future.
This summer I am working on a small research project, volunteering, relaxing, going on a vacation, a little reviewing, and I'll be in Fairbury at the clinic learning from the physicians there during what UNMC calls our Rural Care Block. I'm so excited to be back home for a few weeks, and learn from the people who first exposed me to this career.