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where i've been the last few months

I've neglected posting the last couple months and instead had needed to focus more on school, sleep, and family time. With the recent passing of my biggest blog reader (my grandma), I wasn't sure when I would return to posting or if I even would. But I've missed documenting the little things in life and I want to be able to look back someday at these memories, so I have around 1-2 months worth of ideas I've been saving. Stay tuned (or just subscribe or follow my instagram account) to hear more from med school, what Jake and I have been up to, and things that make me smile. We have a trip to Europe planned later in the summer and will be recording short videos during our trip too - I'm so excited!

Meanwhile we ventured to the Lauritzen Gardens this morning thinking we could run in and see the rare "corpse flower" while it was in bloom. The "corpse flower" was nicknamed "the Amazing Stinko" due to it's horrific odor of a rotting corpse when it blooms. This plant has the largest flower in the world, takes 7-10 years before it can bloom, and only blooms for 24-48 hours with most species wilting by 12 hours. This beauty bloomed last night, and by the time we saw it, it was wilted and the odor was practically gone. There was a wedding at the gardens last night, so unfortunately they were closed. The flowering begins in the afternoons, the odor peaks in the middle of the night to attract beetles and flies who act as pollinators, and the scent is usually diminished by morning. I read there were over 8000 people by 4 p.m. and it stays open until midnight. When we got there at 11 a.m. the line was two hours long!

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