Blue Dress Here // Also in Red Here and Pink Here
Match day was a long anticipated day for fourth year medical students. We have spent all of fall and winter applying to residency programs around the country for our specialty of choice. We interviewed (post on that here) and submitted an online list ranking all of the programs we wanted to attend in a chosen order. Meanwhile, all of the residency programs submitted a list of students they interviewed in the order of their preference. We waited and waited, and finally, last Friday medical schools around the country had parties celebrating the opening of the envelopes telling each person where they will be headed to train for the next three to seven plus years (it depends on the specialty).

I matched into anesthesiology here in Omaha at the University of Nebraska Medical Center! Beginning July 1st I'll be a resident for the next four years.
Thank you everyone for your continued support. Thank you to those who joined me on Friday, and those watching at home and work. Your text messages, DMs on instagram, and Facebook comments made me feel so loved.
Thanks especially to my family and friends, your support means more to me than I could possibly describe in a post. Love you so much!

The week, ceremony, and weekend was filled with emotions (you can see the news coverage of the excitement here and here). It's been nice starting this week off at peace knowing where I'll be working the next four years.
I only have six more weeks of medical school before I'm officially Dr. Bell
(WOW! I can't believe that!!).