day in the life: pain clinic
I completed my pain rotation last month. It was surprisingly one of my favorite rotations to date. I loved everything about it:...
spring break essentials
We are in the midst of spring break season, but if you're still looking for a few beach essentials, I've got you covered! Ruffle Black...
evening stroll through rome
Winding down on the Italy posts (maybe 2 more??) . I have an awesome rotation for school this month, and have been able to finish going...
snail slime face mask review
Snail slime? Yes you read that correctly. I've been testing out a new 10 step Korean skincare routine which I'll review later this month...
slutty brownies
Chocolate chip cookie + Oreo + Brownies = the most decadent and rich dessert ever Made famous by Gaby (recipe here) . Highly recommend...
february's list
TO DO Take a bath. Some people are not "bath people" but I've found that if you find the right bath additions, then it makes for a much...