day in the life: anesthesia call
When I'm on call for general anesthesia the night varies tremendously. Overnight we manage any operations that are going on in the night...

day in the life: ENT
For our ENT rotation (which I did in March, but never posted this), we rotated with the laryngologists at our hospital. These specialists...

day in the life: internal medicine
Internal Medicine was my last rotation of intern year a couple months ago. If you don't know what internal medicine is, it's a general...

day in the life: comanagement
Comanagement is a service in the internal medicine department where a group of doctors help take care of different surgical patients...

day in the life: colorectal surgery
Ah colorectal surgery, what an interesting month. If you have never had to meet a colorectal surgeon, you may not know about all the...

day in the life: vascular surgery
In our residency program we rotate with a private vascular surgeon to gain a better understanding of what patients who have vascular...