day in the life: residency interviews
Without a doubt the most common question I am asked, whether on social media or in person, is "How is interview season going?". To...

day in the life: Anesthesiology
I’ve been through two rotations in anesthesiology this semester and debated about posting a day in the life because every single day was...

day in the life: allergy and immunology
It's about time for another medical school post, am I right? Fourth year of medical school allows for freedom to choose what clinical...

day in the life: internal medicine
After a year of clinical rotations, my short white coat has a permanent grey/brown tint that no amount of bleach can seem to remove and...

day in the life: pyschiatry rotation
I completed my psychiatry rotation earlier this semester and it has been one of my favorites! My eyes were opened to another perspective,...
day in the life: labor and delivery
Labor and Delivery was not something that I was excited about initially, but I ended up enjoying it a lot more than I ever thought I...