This past week I've done a ton of cool things:
took blood pressure for residents of a nursing home (only one man was mad about how slow and fumbly I was during my first patient - he rudely said "I'm not interested in this anymore" and attempted to storm off. Smooth sailing after that)
learned to look in eyes and ears
learned to do different kinds of injections
learned to listen to lungs
learned to listen to heart
learned to interview patients (with people hired to pretend to be patients!)
learned to present a patient to an attending
I put together a typical day in the life of a med student. Please keep in mind how awkward it is to snap quick pictures of my day with people all around. I also have to be perfectly honest, this is a good representation of a "typical day" but it's technically a mixture of a couple days of last week because I kept forgetting to document an entire day. Tuesdays and Thursdays we have afternoon classes, MWF we are done with class at noon to begin studying until bedtime :) . Last week was nice too because we recently had a test so there wasn't as much information to study! This week will require more hours studying.
5:30 AM - Alarm goes off
grab a clean pair of scrubs, coffee, my binder and notebook, my lunch, jacket, gym bag
6:33 AM - Arrive at school, and even though I'm an hour and a half early there are still no parking spots

6:45 AM - Squeeze in a run, some lifts, shower, get ready, head to class and maybe have time to preview today's lab and lecture. 8:10 - Hurry and print today's notes then head to class, I'm late so I land a spot in the back row underneath a light that went out so it's hard to see my notes. (I've never been late before :/)

9:00 AM - Living Anatomy Lecture. Today we draw hearts on each other using the correct intercostal spaces and ribs as landmarks, of course. (I drew a heck of a good heart on my partner). We also learn to listen to valves and listen for murmurs.
I could only snap a picture of the screen since we all have our shirts off behind the camera, but this class is an interesting one because we actually get to practice IDing parts on living people!

10:00 AM - Time to head over to lab (You also will not get access to this part of class either - sorry)

12:05 PM - Lunch break and find some things to study
1:00 PM - Class again, this time we learn how to look in patients' ears and eyes
2:00 PM - "Injection Workshop" (still part of class)

3:00 PM - Practice looking in eyes and ears in one of the awesome clinic simulation rooms we have
4:00 PM - Head home
4:30 PM - 8:00 PM - Study

This includes practicing my new skills

8:00 PM - Watch a TV show with Jake and get my stuff ready for tomorrow morning.

10:00 PM - Sleep