step 3 study plan
I've shared my study plans for Step 1 and Step 2 and finally here's the last USMLE Step study plan for Step 3. USMLE are medical boards...

day in the life: vascular surgery
In our residency program we rotate with a private vascular surgeon to gain a better understanding of what patients who have vascular...

day in the life: cardiology
Cardiology was a busy month! Our list of patients wasn't as overwhelming as it sometimes is, but since I rotated through here in...

day in the life: trauma surgery
My trauma surgery rotation was definitely, well, hard. The patients and my coresidents made it extremely enjoyable but the long hours and...

day in the life: emergency department
I laugh at the thought of trying to describe a typical day in the life for this rotation. First, because my shifts were random hours of...

residency shopping list
1. Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Pens So much easier to keep track of all your patient data with these pens. So thin you can't buy them in the...