This beautiful little center in Florence deserves a post of its own. Before I share our itinerary fin Florence, take a peek at some of the fun shots Jake captured on one of our morning walks.

The Cathedral of St. Mary of the Flower began construction in 1296 with the gothic style front entrance (which by the way does not match the rest of the building at all - pointed gothic arches vs round on the rest of the building). Story goes that they had planned for the dome to be built before they even knew who was going to build it or how it was even going to be possible. The dome was actually completed 140 years later and was engineered by Brunelleschi who studied the Pantheon in Rome for help. The external of this building is marble sheets with greens and beautiful blush pinks. The dome is the largest brick dome every created, and the first octagon dome in history to be completed without a wood frame. For more of the duomo (and views from inside), keep reading.

It was here where Savonarola preached, Giuliano de Medici was murdered thanks to the Pazzi conspiracy, it was the seat of the Council of Florence, and it is the most breathtaking building I've ever seen.

The baptistery was built between 1059 and 1128. The doors are intricate stories carved into bronze by Ghiberti. Michelangelo named these doors the gates of heaven. The doors in the photos have been replaced with replicas, but the originals are in the museum.
Below is a photo of the ceiling inside of the baptistery.
Hello gorgeous.

Inside the big church itself, it's actually a bit less impressive. However, the large dome has a beautiful fresco that depicts The Last Judgement seen in the photo below.

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Trevi Fountain // Venice // Venice Video // Florence Video // Florence Itinerary // Positano // Spiaggia Grande // Capri // Positano Video // Ancient Rome // Tuscany Wine Tour // Baboli Gardens // Vatican City // Evening Stroll in Rome
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